The purpose of a pre-purchase examination is to provide a prospective buyer with the best information available about the horse they intend to buy. A pre-purchase examination involves an in-depth examination of multiple body systems of the horse, and will also often involve diagnostic imaging and laboratory tests.
Our pre-purchase examinations include assessment of:
- Cardiovascular Fitness – detection of heart murmurs or arrhythmia’s that may limit performance
- Respiratory Health – signs and symptoms of lower or upper airway dysfunction
- Ophthalmologic Health – evaluation of the eyes for signs of disease or visual dysfunction
- Oral Health – dental abnormalities that may impact performance or general health
- Dermatologic Condition – skin diseases, cutaneous tumors
- Neurological Fitness – signs of wobbler’s disease, EPM, or other nerve damage
- Musculoskeletal System – obvious or hidden injuries that may limit the horse’s performance for its intended purpose
After the physical examination of the horse is complete observation of the horse in motion and a series of flexion tests are performed to evaluate any subtle signs of lameness. The horse is evaluated on multiple surface types (soft ground, hard ground, incline, etc), in hand, on the lounge, and under saddle when possible.
If the performance of the horse is acceptable additional diagnostic assessments can be selected to provide more in-depth and specific information. These tests may be recommended depending on individual circumstances and include:
- Radiographic Evaluation – to evaluate the bones (including degree of arthritis, the presence of kissing spine, etc) and joints (including inspection for cysts, degree of arthritis, and hoof balance to optimize and maintain performance)
- Ultrasound Assessment – to assess any soft tissue structures that may be under question following the clinical examination
- Pre-Purchase Drug Screen – to ensure that the horse is not under the influence of pain-relieving or tranquilizing substances at the time of the examination
- Laboratory Tests – CBC/Chemistry, Lyme disease titer, EPM titer, Etc
- Upper Airway Endoscopy – to check the health of the horse’s upper airway
- Curo Examination – acoustic myography most often used for additional evaluation of the proximal suspensory ligaments
After the examination is complete we summarize our findings to help you make an informed decision about the overall health and soundness of your prospective horse. Our goal is not only to advise upon the current condition of the horse but help create a plan to maintain and optimize health and future performance.
Our veterinarians are very experienced in pre-purchase examinations and look forward to helping you with your next purchase.